WW2 Memorial Gates
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WW2 Memorial Gates

At the end of 1947 they decided to erect gates and lay out the precincts with lawn and flower beds as a memorial to those who fell in the 1939-45 war, and a public appeal was made for funds to buy the gates.  

A new hedge was planted behind chestnut paling and lawns laid with two flower beds and a number of flowering cherry trees behind.  Then the standing committee went to London and were fortunate in finding a pair of very nice wrought iron gates with side panels for £75.  

Stone pillars were erected and the gates hung and the dry wall edging to the lawns completed a very pleasing precinct. 

A tablet was fixed to one of the gate pillars recording the fact that this was a memorial to those who fell in 1939-45 and the unveiling took place at the Remembrance Service, Sunday, Nov. 11th 1951 by Admiral R.S. Phipps-Hornby C.M.G. taken from a history of the church  by H W Harris 1967

Open iron gates in front of open church door with sign saying Church Open for prayer and reflection.
WW2 Gates

This following list is all that was available.