Past Schools
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Past Schools

Prinsted Board School

Prinsted Board School was built in the mid 1860's. The whole area was known as Prinsted in the Parish of Westbourne. In 1847 the railway came and the West Coastway Line, from Southampton to Brighton, split the Westbourne Parish in two.
A new church was needed and St. John the Evangelist was completed in 1876.
School management was being changed and it became, Southbourne Council School.
The Chapelry of Southbourne was created when the first vicar was appointed in 1878, still in the Parish of Westbourne.
The school was demolished in the mid 1960s and the Southbourne Social Club built. The wall and railings remain.

Jan of Windmill Land (1946) performed at the school
Joan Plumb (nee Kenning) next to Bessie Offord (nee Soper)
Southbourne Council School c1946
Southbourne Council School 1920s

Nutbourne School, School Lane

Thorney Island School

Longmeadow School, Prinsted

'Longmeadow' was bought by Mrs Laviolette in 1952 who opened a private girls school, which included boarding.

1959 Mr and Mrs Cook bought the school and it became a co-educational preparatory school for pupils aged 3 to 11.

In 1971 Longmeadow was sold and became a private house once more.

School by the Sea with Miss Keating at Prinsted Sea Scouts

Miss Kathleen Keating opened a school in the Sea Scouts. She, with one other, taught up to 15 children aged 4 to 8.
As you can imagine outdoor activities were popular given its location.

The school closed in 1974 when Miss Keating retired.