St Johns Church Family Day October 2017
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St Johns Church Family Day October 2017

Love Southbourne logo done by St. Johns in 2017

On October 8th 2017 St. Johns Church held a Family Day at the Recreation Ground in Park Road.

The weather was brilliant and the event was well attended and enjoyed by many.

Heart shaped ballons for Love Southbourne
Heart Shaped Balloons for
Harvest Fun Day Montage.
Harvest Fun Day view of stalls
People meeting and catching up with neighbours and friends
Harvest Fun Day view of stalls and park
Bouncy Castle and entertainer
Harvest Fun Day queue for Bangers and Burgers
queues for the free Bangers and Burgers
Activities and games for everyone
Mark Everson enjoying the Harvest Fun Day
Mark Everson, the well known organist
Jon Robinson on the right, who does all things technical.
All ages enjoyed this family day