Dog Microchipping April 2016
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Dog Microchipping April 2016

Dog Microchipping April 2016
Dog Microchipping poster.

The Southbourne Environment Group was created as one of the research groups within the Southbourne Parish Neighbourhood Plan in 2013. The groups covered all areas of interest from Building to Transport under The Steering Group.

It was hoped, as part of the Environment Group "Greening Southbourne" to have the Micro Chipping at the recreation ground, but this was not approved by the Parish Council and so arrangements were made to hold it on Sea Scout's land at Prinsted.
Mrs Darling, our local vet and Helen the nurse agreed to give their time and the event was arranged in a few weeks. The Sea Scouts were approached and offered to put up one of their Gazebos for us. The coffee shop was open and it was a lovely day.
The law came into place on the 6th April, so only a few dogs were expected. Fortunately I took a roll of numbered tickets so that once people registered and were given a number, they could take the dog for a walk and not wait around in a queue.
This proved vital as 45 dogs were chipped that afternoon.
An additional 5 dogs were found to be already chipped and details were given so owners could register them.
This often happens when people don't realise that they have to register their pet online after chipping as it is not done by the vet.

Dog Microchipping, Ruth, Helen, Mrs Darling and Jonathan.