St John's Church History
Coffee Connect opened in in the Centre in 2012.
The bespoke serving area was built by the Curate Stuart Silk who had been a carpenter.
It's run by volunteers serving a variety of real coffee, and teas or hot chocolate and homemade biscuits and cake for a donation. It is a very popular meeting place. From 2022 it opens Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9 to 12.
St. Johns Church Hall was behind the church facing Stein Road.
The library was held there as were various community group meetings including Guides.
School classes were held there too, until the 3 classroom extension, (now Age Concern) was built in New Road in 1945.
The building became unsafe about 1977 and plans were put in place for a new extension.
The Church Annexe was built in 1985.
Coffee Connect was officially opened by Margaret Eva, who was the Head of Bourne Community College.
Oak tree planted in St. John's garden