The Brundett Family
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The Brundett Family

Sir Frederick Brundrett

Sir Frederick Brundrett, KCB KBE was a British civil servant and mathematician who served as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Ministry of Defence from 1954 to 1959.

Born: 25th November 1894, Ebbw Vale

Died:  1st August 1974, Southbourne.

They lived in Hill Brow, Prinsted Lane (now Three Greens) and farmed the land to the west of them, now Salterns Reach.

His wife Enid, was chair of Bourne Secondary School Governors and was a very active member of the community.

They had one son James Edward. born 1921. 

He died aged 23 on 30 Sep 1944 

Service Number: 180924  Lieutenant 647 H A A  Bty Royal Artillery attd  9th Bn Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment.)

Commemorated: Gradara War Cemetery, Italy

Charles Brundrett

Charles Brundrett (born 1896) and his wife Sheila lived at Walnut Tree Farm, Prinsted Lane and had a son and daughter.

He founded Southbourne Sea Scouts in May 1933 and they met in his barn at Walnut Tree Farm. 

He was still the Group Scout Leader when they built the Sea Scout HQ in 1964 at Prinsted. 

He attended the 50th Anniversary in 1983

He died peacefully on 21st January 2009 aged 103 at Ludlow.